
Welcome to Our Nursery

A huge welcome to all our new children and families. Now that most children have started we are busy getting to know each individual child whilst providing a stimulating and nurturing environment with lots of learning opportunities .

We know that children achieve their best when the partnership between home and school is a good one; open, trusting and with the child at the center of everything we do. We are looking forward to getting to know you and finding ways to support your child’s development together.

Over the coming weeks we will be working closely with children in all areas of their development, with a particular emphasis on communication and language. We do this by playing alongside children, modelling simple language, introducing new vocabulary, reading stories and lots of singing.

You can help your child’s communication and language at home by commenting on what you are doing, reducing the amount of questions you ask, repeating simple words and adding two words together. Leaving a dummy for nap time and giving your child time to process their thoughts into words will also aid your child’s speech development and give them more confidence.

A week in Nursery.

September Nursery Places

As of April 2024, eligible parents of 2-year-olds are now accessing 15 hours funded childcare.

We still have some availability in our Nursery from September for 2-year-old children.

Check the link below to see if you qualify for the funding and get in touch to secure your child’s place ASAP.

Rhyme of the Fortnight

Autumn Newsletter

Our children Learning Through Play

In Nursery every play opportunity is a learning opportunity.

For example:

We teach maths by playing in sand and water (filling and pouring, using language such as full, empty), sorting objects by size or colour and playing with shapes.

Literacy is covered by providing mark making opportunities and exposing children to a wide variety of books and text in the environment. Learning Nursery rhymes is also a key literacy skill.

Physical development is supported by climbing, throwing balls, building, mark making and play dough amongst other activities.

Children are taught PSED (Personal, Social and Emotional Development) by learning to hang their own coat up, encouraging turn taking, playing alongside other children and validating children’s emotions.

Above all communication and language is at the heart of all learning and practitioners use every opportunity to support this by introducing new vocabulary, modelling correct pronunciation, repeating simple language and giving children opportunities and time to speak through play and group time activities.

Afternoon Places Available

We have a limited amount of paid and funded afternoon places still available. Session times are 12.30pm to 3.30pm. Please click the link below to see if your child is eligible for 15 free hours.

Apply for 2-Year-old Funding

Contact the school office for more details or to apply for a place.

Is Your Child a Fussy Eater?

It’s not uncommon for your child to be a fussy eater. Children are often unsure of new tastes and textures and it can be a worry and sometimes overwhelming for parents and carers.

Notts ‘Your Health, Your Way’ is holding a free online information event on Tuesday 22nd March at 7pm. The event is aimed at providing information and support to families around the subject of healthy  eating and fussy eaters.

Click the link below for more information!

Advice from pregnancy to pre-school

For tips and advice on your child’s health and development click on the link below to visit the NHS Health under 5 site.

Topics such as toilet training, tantrums and nutrition are all covered as well as information about your child’s general development.

You can also talk to one of our early years professionals if you have concerns about your child’s development.

Make your own playdough

Playdough has been around for years and has many benefits for your child and provides hours of fun which doesn’t cost the earth. Some of the benefits are:

1. It develops fine motor skills
While children are manipulating play dough into different shapes, they are actually building up strength in their tiny hands. The acts of squishing, rolling, flattening, and more help your children develop muscles used in their hands for fine motor movements useful in the future, such as holding a pencil or using scissors.

2. It’s calming for children
Much like the squishy stress ball you pull out from time to time, squeezing play dough is great for helping calm down your kids. Playing with the clay can help ease tension, release excess energy, improve focus, and express emotions. If your child is feeling stressed, sit them down with a container of play dough and watch their worries fade away.

3. It encourages creativity
No matter how many colors you have, there is an unlimited number of creations your kids can make from play dough. Creating objects from scratch encourages your kids to stretch their imaginations and think in new and innovative ways.

4. It enhances hand-eye coordination
Along with play dough, you probably picked up different materials and tools, such as rolling pins and cookie cutters. These tools, which come in a variety of sizes, develop your child’s hand-eye coordination by forcing them to manipulate the materials to fit their ideas.

5. It improves social skills
When your child works with other kids or even adults while playing with play dough, it’s great practice for social settings. Between sharing various colors, tools, and materials, as well as spending ample time together discussing and collaborating, your children will get great practice with their social skills. Ask your children to describe their process while they play to help them out of their comfort zone and to engage with others.

6. It supports literacy and numeracy
It’s difficult to get kids interested in learning, especially about tricky subjects like reading or math. play dough is an awesome tool for teaching your children about counting, shapes, descriptions, and more.

7. It promotes playtime
In today’s technology-driven world, kids are constantly drawn to the next gadget. Instead of letting your kids sit in front of the TV all day, give them play dough and encourage time spent disconnected. Play dough helps kids slow down and focus on playing while using a number of senses and skills in the process.

If you needed convincing, it’s clear now that play dough is worth the trouble of cleaning up. This classic toy has been around for decades, and it’s clear why—with this great toy at home, your kids will have fun and develop necessary skills for life.

Listening and attention skills are the main building blocks of communication, language and cognitive development. Young children don’t acquire the ability to listen overnight and in nursery we practise listening through fun games and activities.

Watch the video to play a listening game with your child. Ask your child to listen carefully and tell you what they can hear giving lots of praise when they get it right.

The benefit of books

Our nursery children can often be found looking at books and although they can’t yet read the words they begin to understand that the pictures convey a meaning. Cuddling up and sharing a book with your child develops closeness, bonding as well as language development and understanding of the world.

Click on the link for some tips on reading with your child and remember, its never too early to start – even babies like to hear your voice reading to them!

Improve your child's communication and language skills

The BBC have a great website called Tiny Happy People which has some great ideas, tips and activities to keep you child busy whilst improving communication and language skills. Have a look by clicking the link below.

FACEBOOK: @bbctinyhappypeople


Links to online learning resources

For our older children there are a couple of links below which will take you to The Oxford Owl (online e-books for age 3 onwards).

There is also a link to some fab little videos for Jolly Phonics on you tube.

Imaginative play

Unlike many toys a box is not just a box. It is a den, castle, car, slide, bed, garage or whatever a child wants it to be. The possibilities are endless. The simplest of everyday items have the ability to harness a child’s imagination and allow them to explore and be creative. It also helps children to learn how to play cooperatively with others as well as enhancing their communication, language and physical development. So next time you have a delivery let your child loose with the box and see where their imagination takes them.

Messy Play

Messy play is an important part of a child’s development. It gives children an exiting, tactile and sensory experience which not only inspires curiosity but language and creativity. It helps children make sense of the world around them and enhances cognitive and physical development too.

(mix cornflour and water together in a tray to make ‘gloop’ as pictured below)