
We often have children who need some level of health support at school. Some children require daily support to manage their medical conditions and some require support on a less regular basis. We generate Health Care Management Plans alongside parents in these cases. Below can be found the Asthma Health Care Plan, which is one of the most commonly used Health Care Plans in school.

The academy is moving towards using an online app called Medical Tracker to support parents in the management of health care needs in school including First Aid reporting.

Some children require prescribed medication and parents are requested to complete the form available from the office, or below, to enable us to give the correct dosing at the correct time.

We often get asked to give children non-prescription medicines like Calpol, at lunchtime. This is usually if the child has been a bit under the weather, has a cold or sniffle coming on, or has complained of a headache before school.  We believe in tough love here and building a child’s resilience when they are experiencing this level of illness. they are best off in school and we often find that once they get engaged in the busyness of the day, the strength of the symptoms wear off. In the vast majority of cases a second dose of Calpol is not necessary.

We administer non-prescription medicines as a matter of course if there is a specific medical requirement to do so, ie: there has been some advice from a medical professional for a specific purpose. For this the same Medication Form (available from the Office or below) is to be filled in.

 2017 Asthma Health Care Plan.pdf             Download
 Guidance_on_infection_control_in schools_poster.pdf             Download
 Nottinghamshire Health Poster.pdf             Download
 Parentline Poster.pdf             Download