Academy Governing Body

All academies within the Trust are governed by the L.E.A.D. Academy Trust Board and Members.

The L.E.A.D. Academy Trust governance structure establishes clear lines of accountability, overview and scrutiny at three levels: The L.E.A.D. Academy Trust Members; the L.E.A.D. Academy Trust Board and its Committees; and the Academy Governing Body (AGB).

The AGB meets formally three times each year (termly) and also meets informally each term through engagement meetings. The Trusts scheme of delegation, AGB terms of reference and articles of association can be accessed by the clicking the links below. These key documents set out the function and role of the AGB.

Trust Governance – L.E.A.D. Academy Trust

AGB Terms of Reference

Please find below details about this academy’s AGB membership, including the names and terms of appointment for each member.

Name Governor category How appointed Date of appointment Term of office AGB Attendance
2023 – 2024
Nicola McIntyre Executive Head Teacher N/A 1-Sep-24 N/A 2/2
Debbie Eccles Head of School N/A 22-Sep-16 N/A 2/2
Elaine North Parent Governor Elected by Parents 29-Mar-17 4 Years 1/2
Hannah Holmes Parent Governor Elected by Parents 19-Apr-22 4 Years 2/2
Jodie Stafford Parent Governor Elected by Parents 29-Apr-21 4 Years 1/2
Louise Baxendale Co-opted Governor Appointed by AGB/Trust Board 9-Mar-16 4 Years 2/2
Michael Marsh Co-opted Governor Appointed by AGB/Trust Board 18-Apr-16 4 Years 2/2
David Warsop Co-opted Governor Appointed by AGB/Trust Board 4-May-17.

Resigned 1 Oct 24.

4 Years 2/2
Governor Declarations of Interest

Chair of AGB: David Warsop

Safeguarding Link Governor:Louise Baxendale


For any further information please contact the main office.